Our volunteers!

this race is on because we are together

An event such as Greece race for the Cure ®, which continuously grows and attracts thousands of people, would not be a success without the help of our volunteers. Come with us, become a volunteer and help us: organize together Greece Race for the Cure®, inform thousands of people about the disease and prevention methods, fight fear, run in the race!

How can I become a Volunteer?

Volunteers’ profile​

Greece Race for the Cure ® volunteer can be anyone who is willing to offer its time to help a big event against breast cancer come true. Men or women of any age can become members of our team.
If you care for the fight against breast cancer If you are interested in organizing events If you are passionate about sports events If you just want to offer your time for a good cause​


STRONGER TOGETHER against breast cancer

By completing the registration form you will receive an email with all the important information about your contribution as a volunteer. There will be information about the first volunteers’ meet up, how to receive the volunteer’s kit and all the phone numbers you need to know. After applying to be a volunteer for Greece Race for the Cure® , volunteers’ supervisor will contact you in order to inform you about the beginning of volunteers’ training and the first volunteers’ meet up dates. You can also get informed via Facebook:
•Hellenic Association of Women with Breast Cancer “Alma Zois” Official Page: https://www.facebook.com/almazois/

Come Aboard!

How can you participate?

Volunteers can participate in all parts of the event organization,during the preparation period before the race or in the.

They are active members of the organization and see the result of their efforts the day of the race!


volunteers’ areas


Printed material distribution on specific points of interest

Volunteers carry printed material (posters and leaflets) to partners who are informed and willing to promote Greece Race for the Cure®.

Help at the headquarters of the organization

If you want to live the backstage … the headquarters of Greece Race for the Cure® organization are open! We need volunteers for registrations and assistance to the Secretariat.

Setting Zappeion

If you love events management … Saturday, before the big day of the Race, in the courtyard of Zappeion we will set up kiosks (prevention, sponsors, etc.), landscape the space.



Race Kit Distribution

Volunteers offer Race Kits to participants who already have made their registration.

Information kiosk about breast cancer prevention and early diagnosis, "Learn About Me"

Volunteers at “Learn about me” kiosk inform the public about methods of breast cancer prevention and early diagnosis and distribute printed material with prevention guidelines.

Runners Encouragement

Volunteers – animators will be located at key points of the Race, cheering for the runners .

Road marking

At Race's key points, our volunteers monitor and control the progress of the participants and provide guidance about the rest of the race.

Water Distribution

Water supply stations for the 5km runners are located in key-spots of the route and are staffed by our volunteers.

Responsible for Start / Finish Line

Volunteers -responsible of start / finish line inform participants on where to head depending on whether they have chosen to run in the race or take part in the walk, control the flow of participants, identify the first to finish, cheer about participants at the start and finish line.

Zappeion Restoration

When the event is over, we are the last to leave. We clean-up Zappeion!! If you want, you can help.


We answer your questions

We need people with positive energy, team spirit and willing to offer!


Fill in the registration form

It’s up to you! There is a daily schedule in all areas of volunteers’ activities. In cooperation with the volunteers’ coordinator you can choose the shifts you could join. So if you will to contribute to the organisation you can do it either you work or don’t have a lot of free time!

As a volunteer you become a member of a big group and make new friends.

You are actively involved in a major event

Exercise your communication and organizational skills

Enhance the fight against breast cancer

Since there are many things to be done during September, you can join as many volunteer activities as you wish according to your schedule.

During Race Day, you will have to choose your preferred activity.

As long as your parents agree, you can join our cause.