Why we run in Greece Race for the Cure®?

  • We run in order to inform every woman in Greece about breast cancer
  • We run so that everyone shall hear our voice about the importance of breast cancer prevention and early diagnosis
  • We run to demystify breast cancer
  • We run to defeat fear and prejudice
  • We run to improve the quality of life and the rights of women with breast cancer
  • We run to support women with breast cancer and their families
  • We run to save lives
  • We run to honor the women who are no longer close to us

Breast cancer is the most common malignant neoplasm in women in Western civilisation and the second leading cause of cancer deaths, after lung cancer.

Breast cancer is the second leading cause of cancer deaths worldwide.

69.3% of all female cancers worldwide are connected to breast cancer.

It is also estimated that 1 in 11 European women will be diagnosed with breast cancer at some point in her life.

In Greece, the incidence of breast cancer is estimated at more than 7,700 new cases per year.

Our goal is to ensure that there are no more deaths from breast cancer.

Greece Race for the Cure® funds Alma Zois’ programs against breast cancer: Breast cancer survivors psychosocial support programs and breast cancer awareness programs.

make an impact against breast cancer

Programs funded by Greece Race for the Cure®

Group Therapy

Psychosocial support groups are organized and implemented by experienced mental health professionals: health psychologists – psychotherapists and social workers. The main objective of the Psychosocial support groups is the provision of individualized psychosocial rehabilitation services, depending on the needs of each patient and on the stage of each patient’s treatment.

Helpline for breast cancer patients

The Hellenic Association of Women with Breast Cancer “Alma Zois” operates the Support Helpline. Breast cancer patients and survivors may call daily at 210 8253253 and speak with a Health Psychologist or a Social Worker. Also, legal advice may be given by councelor on specific days and hours

Legal Counseling

In “Alma Zois”, a helpline staffed by legal counselor , provides access to legal information concerning the employment rights of women with breast cancer, insurance coverage and state benefits to any patient with breast cancer nationwide.

Genetic Counseling and testing

Hellenic Association of Women with Breast Cancer “Alma Zois”, in cooperation with the National Center for Scientific Research “Demokritos”, conducts a genetic counseling and testing program for women who have already experienced breast cancer, as well as for three more first-degree members of their family.

Each woman has the opportunity to choose the scope of the analysis concerning: The existence of a mutation in the genes BRCA1 and BRCA2 The breast cancer predisposition and ovarian The predisposition for any form of cancer.

Nutrition tips

The program aims to improve the patients’ functionality and psychological status through personalized information and practical assistance on issues caused by treatment side effects affecting their body image. Patients can visit the Association’s offices, on specific days, and have an appointment with our nutritionist for their personalized inofrmation.

Training program for Healthcare Professionals in Communication Skills with Oncological patients

Subsidized seminars for health professionals dealing with oncology patients, aiming at their training in Communication Skills.

Metastatic breast cancer awareness campaign

The aim is to inform about metastatic breast cancer, empower patients, improve their quality of life and spread the message that metastatic breast cancer is NOT equal to death.

Young Women’s Breast Cancer Awareness and Clinical Examination Program

“Alma Zois” in collaboration with Hellenic Society of Breast Surgeons (HSBS) and Municipality of Athens conducts Young Women’s Breast Cancer Awareness and Clinical Examination Program. Program includes appointment with a HSBS’s specialized breast cancer surgeon, where women get informed about breast cancer prevention and get a clinical breast examination. If deemed necessary by the doctor, women are referred for additional free tests (mammography, ultrasound or cytological exam) in diagnostic centers.

Grant for research in the field of psycho-oncology (specializing in breast cancer) in Greece.

Study of cancer’s psycho – emotional distress and the ways of improving patients’ life quality is a research field of great importance, since a big part of cancer patients experience severe emotional and adaptation difficulties after cancer diagnosis.
Therefore, acknowledging the importance of psycho-oncology research, specializing in breast cancer, “Alma Zois” will fund for the academic year 2018-2019 two (2) doctoral thesis that have already been approved or will be until 31/05/2019 in Greece.
Thesis should pertain to groundbreaking research in the field of psycho-oncology and in particular breast cancer in one of the following thematics: Breast cancer patients’ distress in Greece Metastatic breast cancer patients’ needs and ways of improving their life quality The program is carried out in Higher Education Institutions and research centers in Greece and will last till consummation of the funded thesis.

Breast cancer awareness campaign

In October, Breast Cancer Awareness Month, we are carrying out a prevention campaign to encourage the women to undergo breast cancer screening, which can save their lives.

Upgrading a Regional Breast Clinic

From the net proceeds of the event, we contribute to the upgrading of regional breast clinics in order to improve the quality of services provided to women with breast cancer experience.

Customized clinical breast screening in groups with disabilities

From the net proceeds of the event, we provide informational interventions and clinical breast examinations to vulnerable groups with disabilities.

Breast cancer Workplace awareness program

Informative interventions are provided free of charge to companies or organization interested in the program. Participants: • Breast surgeon or Oncologist – Pathologist or Radiologist Talks about «Early breast cancer detection» • Social worker or Psychologist of Hellenic Association of Women with Breast Cancer “Alma Zois” Talks about «Prevention’s limiting factors» • Woman with breast cancer experience, Association’s trained volunteer. Talks about «Personal breast cancer experience» During the intervention women have the opportunity to discuss about all the issues that concern them with specialists as well as to receive informative brochure about breast cancer prevention.

Peer Support Program

Trained volunteers of the Association, i.e. women with breast cancer experience, provide emotional support to other women with the same experience, in partner Breast Clinics

Grant for funding of clinical equipment at hospitals

Grant for funding of clinical equipment in pathology laboratories, breast centers, radiology departments, oncology and radiotherapy clinics at University Hospitals and Anti-Cancer Hospitals in Greece

All Alma Zois' programs are provided for free

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